Hello, I'm
Jesús Hernández


As a engineer, I use my technical expertise and skills to build and maintain high-quality software systems. My passion for technology drives me to constantly learn and grow, and I strive to create solutions that have a positive impact on the world.

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About Me

I am a technology enthusiast with 3 years of experience as a web developer. I studied computer engineering and also pursued self-learning, crafting beautiful and functional websites for diverse clients.

As my experience expanded, I ventured into other areas of development, exploring the realms of mobile and backend development. This diversified skill set allowed me to embark on even more exciting and challenging projects.

Throughout my career, my drive to learn and grow as a developer has been my guiding force. Constantly seeking new technologies and techniques to refine my craft is at the core of my philosophy. I am thrilled to uncover where my passion for technology will lead me in the future.

      const aboutMe = () => {
        return {
          name: 'Jesús Enmanuel Hernández González',
          languages: {
            spanish: 'Native',
            english: 'B1'
          profession: 'Software Developer'

Areas of Expertise

I have a diverse skill set, developed through my education and professional experiences.

Soft Skills


Best Projects

I am proud of the work I have completed throughout my career.


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